XL Call Center Isir Fornitur Mainstay Qrib il-Klijenti : Website4
XL Call Center Isir Fornitur Mainstay Qrib il-Klijenti : Website4

XL Call Center Isir Fornitur Mainstay Qrib il-Klijenti : Website4

XL Call Center Isir Fornitur Mainstay Qrib il-Klijenti

At the end of 1996 there was the first private company in Indonesia to establish mobile phone service along with  XL call centers.   The me design was previously named PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. A private company  that  was able to become one    of  Telkomsel’s competitors at the time as the government’s main provider or commonly called BUMN.


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Although private are at least able to become competitors of  state-owned enterprises  that are more dominant in society and capable of being touched in various locations.   In the past, when they were still using phones and texting to  communicate,  the main factor that made the community or users  comfortable was the presence of signals. In terms of signal, XL is basically also powerful in any place.

XL  call centers  are commonly owned and provided by this company. Because their users who are very global and whose whereabouts are unknown should be touched by a centralised service.  So that they can find out what are the obstacles in the field or problems that their users still encounter, and evaluate their products in the future for a long time.

Because a product and company when you wake up definitely requires a lot of criticism and input from its users.  In this way it is hoped that  in the future it will be even better and can embrace competition for mobile phone services in Indonesia, which is still mostly dominated by state-owned companies in the form of Telkom as  a  mobile phone network service provider.

The  Xl call center is  also expected to be one of the bridges for companies and users in communication and marketing making. Because in this way people everywhere can be touched and given  an understanding of the promos and what are the interesting products from this company.   So he is expected to be able to solve the right problems.

Il-bidu ta’ PT XL Axiata Tbk

A company if it has listed its shares and financial  statements  publicly if in Indonesia on the Indonesia Stock Exchange , then the existence of the company is indeed not stirring and capable of becoming a bad one pioneer in the industry  in which he was involved.   They deserve to be appreciated in terms of their performance because they will be able to provide their wish reports publicly and then be accessible  to  everyone.

Initially this company  was  more precisely in October 1996 and then named PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk.   Over time, with better performance and which could be touched and used by all circles of the Indonesian people, they began to carry out various business expansions for the broadening of the name  of this company, of course, by presenting an  XL call center.

Precisely in 2013 a breakthrough was made by this company as it was able to make an acquisition on  one of Axis Telekom’s products or companies.   This acquisition they did with some important notes of agreement  in it.   On the other hand  ,  they also work with several companies outside Indonesia that have made their names.

They cooperated with Saudi Telecom Company or summarised as STC and Teleglobal Investment BV.  They are very willing to pay off some of the debts as well as the obligations of this Asset itself.   So this way they will have two superior products, namely XL itself as the product  and their old Assets as their new supplier  but still provide XL call centers.

Call Centre goal

Call centres are indeed indispensable for all companies today.  They need a centrally integrated system as a solution for users  who want to convey obstacles to their problems.   So that everything related to problem-solving with these obstacles can be overcome centrally directly.

The existence of an XL call center is very  important  for this company.  Especially after Axis’s procurement process, their performance is very much  tested  here.   This bush product is  more crowded and  widely used  by the wider community  so that yourarely make many  problems  encountering them. The call center eventually became their mainstay.

Meanwhile, if the company wants to promo  its customers, they can also use this call center as their liaison.  Because  it  is felt that this  system is able to reach the full range  of users in all locations, especially in Indonesia.   So that everything can  indeed be  done centrally.

From there, attracting the community by providing an XL call center  becomes one of safety  and  comfort for themselves.   They are not uncomfortable complaining when they encounter various problems.  Because cs are also very  friendly  and soluble.   Everything is done for the convenience of customers  and  the good name of the company is kept.

Company Internal Call Center

This company also pays attention to all forms of communication from its employees or employees.   In addition to providing a customer help center, they also provide access to internal company communications for their employees.   So that communication is very close and can take place at any time during office hours between employees or superiors with subordinates.

This service  can also be   one of the ways companies cover any kind of communication they don’t know about.   The XL call center, in addition to being  useful to customers, also  has  great  meaning  for its employees.  For the company, it also  has  a big impact, especially communication. Because companies, especially management, can find out what employees are talking about and communicate.

Communication between employees is indeed very necessary andlam  company.   Like a team, communication determines a breakthrough for PT XL Axiata Tbk.  The service or product is mainly digital or cellular, so communication is the main thing. It should therefore also be applicable in their own internal company.

Layanan is expected to  be their foundation in navigating the rigors of this industry competition by presenting an  XL call center as a complaints center.  Because when they  are still using or after  using this product , it is hoped that its consumers will have a positive impression and will be able to become a tool for  the company  to  grow and  grow.

Benefits of Using the XL Network

After wading through Indonesia’s market share from 1996  to 2021 they provided a variety of mobile  phone services  that could become a fulcrum for the general public to access the internet  daily life.   The benefits are felt to be in line with the price of the package that  this company is bound to compete with other suppliers.

Then there are other benefits in the form of speed and signal stability in their mobile phones  when using the primern from XL itself. Because  there are  already many 4G LTE networks in several cities with an additional 1,800 spectrum after acquiring Axis, which makes it very stable  and accessible everywhere while still presenting  XL call center as a solution.

It is hoped  that  with the presence of PT XL Axiata Tbk, which has been established for a long time in Indonesia, it will be able to  become one of the best providers of mobile phone network services even from the private sector.   So that people have plenty of options to  determine which attitude to use  and you can complain about their problems at the  XL call center.

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