Population density prediction of growth : ChordLirikLagu
Population density prediction of growth : ChordLirikLagu

Population density prediction of growth : ChordLirikLagu

What is the total population density in West Java Province?

What is the total population density  of The Province of West Java annually  ? According to valid data, the population of West Java is still the largest  in Indonesia. According to the latest 2020 census, it shows a significant increase of 6 million inhabitants. More precisely, the development from 43.05 million inhabitants to 49.94 million inhabitants.

West Java is one of the provinces that existed during the Dutch colonial period. The province has been established in collaboration with the central government since 1950. Established for a long time, it has become a city full of extraordinary events. One of them was the sea of fire that created a stir in the archipelago and even in the world at the time.

It covers an area of up to 35,000 km. It is clear that this area can accommodate many people. Under the leadership of Rizwan Kamil, Bandung is believed to have prospered further. The growth of society will therefore be balanced with an equitable distribution of well-being. The correct answer is the creation of many new policies that benefit the people.

Therefore,  what is the total population density of West Java province. It is not going to end much because it is at the center of the government. DKI Jakarta is one of the most densely populated areas. This happens because the population increases according to the narrow area.

Distribution of community density in West Java Province

Lua covers an area of approximately 36,000 square kilometers. The data in west Java province is inhabited by up to 46 million people. It is spread over 635 sub-districts and 5899 sub-districts in 26 districts and cities. The most densely populated numbers are located in bogor and banjar areas.


What is the distribution of West Java people in Bogor City? Approximately 4.9 million inhabitants. On the other hand, the city of Banjar is home to only 192,903 people. That’s only 0.25 percent. so what about the other cities ? Used eye, depot, sukabumi, bandung, etc.?


As far as the density of the community is concerned, the average is one million inhabitants. Banjar, Sirebon, Sukabumi and Simahi are the only lakhs. Looking at this difference, of course, the distribution of density is not evenly distributed. Uniquely, almost the entire area of J. Abaris more male. An abnormality in Indonesia until recently.

Generally the number of women and men is higher in females. We look at the central and east Java regions. They must both be more girls seen from many places. Even in Indonesia there are more women than men. So what are the factors that may have caused that to happen?


No one knows yet. Why there may be more men about what is the population density of west Java province . Everything happens in a natura without any adjustment. So many cases of gay parties in the region can see why this one inequality is actually affected.


For those who don’t know, Bogor is definitely a hub city for homosexuals. A disease of homosexuals.  Often parties are held in hotels and rented homes. This is a disease that needs to be eradicated to prevent it from spreading more widely to the people of Indonesia.


People’s jobs in West Java

What is the population density in West Java Province?  Many young people have already found a job and they don’t. Work is an important thing if Ahaan is to be able to lead a life. Especially in the larger cities of West Java, where they are asked to be independent. The large number of nomads is also one of the reasons.

For the average percentage of the entire population at the end of 2020. Approximately 11 percent of the total population.   A number that doesn’t show stupidity around is causing many to decline in prosperity. With a long pandemic period. Many large factories are either out of business or make costs efficient.

One of them is the layoff of many potential workers. So there is a lot of unemployment everywhere. Bogor 14%, Sukabumi 9&, Sianjur 11%, Bandung 8.5%, Garut 8.9%, Tasikmalaya 7%, Siamis 5.6%, Kuningan 11%, Majalenka 5%, Sumedang 8.8%, Indrayu 9.2%, and so on.

All will be 10% if calculated in total. So this is a large spread, with the age of the new workers who have graduated from school.  If there is still a pandemic period, it is likely to continue to grow. The large number of businesses that have streamlined his work has become one of the main reasons.

From so many unemployed people, it’s no surprise that so many nomads are moving out of the area. Solo became the main destination for many nomads from West Java. The city, which is described as the most convenient city, is certainly so. The cost of living with a comfortable place is cheaper. Who doesn’t feel at home living there?

So what is the population density of The Province of West Java after the large number of foreign processes of its population? Wait for the next census. Everything will be clearly seen about the large number of this population movement. According to the facts, many residents have changed their place of residence to make it more convenient.

Population Welfare Policy in West Java Province

The policies implemented to improve the well-being of West Java, of course, are, of course, the adoption of Little Bandung. Many MSMEs can develop more quickly in Asian market competition. It is clear that these developments will be implemented to mitigate many unemployed. Many creative companies will also intensify the star-up system in such a way that it is full of ideas.

So it’s not just about being able to absorb a lot of effort. But the policy encourages the survival of critical thinkers. It is hoped that there will be no further questions about the total population density of West Java Province. With the MSME system, large companies such as Gojek and Grab will emerge.

It’s only to achieve the goal. Schools should take extra care to sow the seeds of intelligent thinkers.  In fact, if the school is still not active. At the very least provide support programs to talented students. By providing scholarships or trainings, it is hoped that more will be able to develop faster.

For this reason, the local expenditure budget is always considered.  By focusing on the population density of The Province of West Java. It is hoped that each of these policies will be able to promote the project next year. This SemacM program  is somewhat useless today. However, after a few years it will certainly be more useful.

Population density prediction of growth

Continue to predict the growth of population density. What is the total population density of West Java Province  in the following years  ? According to current data and facts. Its growth will increase dras tis. Many holidays and WFHH causes deep family intensity for many people.

So within a few years there will be developments up to millions of new inhabitants according to the facts. This is not only birth and death. Perhaps, there may be an influential population movement. All this is a natural and concrete fact. So according to the science of prediction, of course, growth must be rapid.

However, the province is still ready to face all this. Think about how the welfare is so that the population gets a job. Of courseRidwan Kamil and his successors have always thought of this.   Other major cities will continue to be integrated into one to form a strong region of Indonesia.

How can you not feel curious about the extent to which the population is spreading in West Java? In fact, it’s still fairly busy, but in the future it can develop faster. But thanks to RizwanKami’s policy of merging policy.  Whether the population density of West Java province is still safe for its residents.

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